Thursday 25 December 2008

I believe in the sun,
even when it does not shine.
I believe in love,
even when I do not feel it.
I believe in God,
even when he seems silent.
Author unknown

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Thursday 18 December 2008

My Bibles

For someone who isn`t very sure about any God, I have quite alot of Bibles.
I have The Holy Bible Authorized Version - appointed to be read in churches.
Also a copy of the Oxford Bible - King James - with apocrypha.
Then there are my two copies of the Good News Bible - with the really cool illustrations by Annie Vallotton.
Moving on to NIV Daily Light - Readings from the New International Version of the Bible.
And finally - at least at this house, more elsewhere though - is my Revised Standard Version.

Holosync technology

Having dealt with anxiety at various times over the last twenty years - and probably since childhood as I seem predisposed to it! - I am always looking for ways to cope with it.
A new method which supposedly recreates a meditative state by playing two slightly differing frequency sounds in to your ears through stereo speakers is called Holosync and I would hesitate offer any further explanation as to the sceince behind it so if you want to know more go to their site-

Holosync Site

I succumbed and bought the first level and it is interesting, however I will see over time how it changes me, if at all - I have only had it about a month at this point.

Following on yet again from `Sky at Night`...

This excerpt comes from another email I received in response to the `Sky at Night` idea of the Man in the Sky waving at me - some people might find the excerpt a little distasteful however I think it has its place here along with all the other ideas -

Ok - returning your call, I got wind you wanted to speak. Yep I do exist although you may know me better as Thunderbolt. Yeah, I know I keep a low profile but can you imagine the fan mail I get and the calls and the opening of fete's - it's horrendous - worse than any pop star goes through. They all want advice and they all want me to solve all the glitches with our world - well I'm just one man - and yes somewhat super but there's limit. When I said go forth and multiply - I didn't realise just how happily they would hit the sack with who ever was available. Maybe I made 'it' too enjoyable! But I was afraid no one would bother doing it if it wasn't fun and exciting. All I wanted was for them to regenerate in proportion. It all got a bit out of hand. You can't win - so had to go incognito. Ok I had an anger problem in the old days - too darn handy with the thunderbolts - not much forgiveness - I was the orginal angry young man lol. But I calmed down when I had my first son - he taught me how to be forgiving but gave me the credit - that was nice but they stuck him on a cross. Well it's not easy managing all your creations - and watching over them. CCTV helps but who wants to watchTV all day?
Well I can't chat all day, have some alterations to make to the scheme of things but I thought I should reply to you as you don't pester me all the time.
Keep the faith

Billy Bob Thornton speaks

Billy Bob Thornton said in an interview once how he felt about Angelina Jolie when he was married to her - he described it as being like when you have a puppy and it is so cute you just love it so much you almost can`t bear it and he said that he and Angelina felt like 24 hours a day.
Listening to him talk it was pretty obvious how intelligent he is.
I was blown away by what he said - it was really amazing to hear a grown man talk like that and I really got what he meant. Very intense.

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Jehovah`s Witness

A friend that I met recently also happens to be a Jehovah`s Witness. This throws up more questions almost than I can fit into my head at one time.
My friend believes in her church very deeply and seeks to share that belief with her friends, so our conversations often take a philosophical or religious turn. This has shown up in me a very cynical side when it comes to the nitty gritty of belief.
I bombard her with questions about the nature of her faith and I do that I think in an attempt to make sense of the world. I am always keen to be open minded and see if something has merit but at the same time I seem to have an inbuilt distaste for the deeper side of organised religion.
It seems as if I almost cannot permit myself to believe in something just out of faith - which I take it is the whole point of alot of religions - I have to keep asking these neverending questions so that i never have to commit to a belief path.
Having attended the Mormon church when I was a teenager I see similarities with her church including the monthly magazine they bring out. The Mormons have a similar one.
Yet as with all the other `churches` I have tried in my youth I dinstinctly feel uneasy about blind belief.
That isn`t to say I don`t read the bible, because I do and I find its advice at times very useful indeed, however that is a choice and I feel that committing to much more than that in one of these `religions` is not right for me.